Boss Talk Series 005 and MOU Signing Ceremony between PUMM x ASPIAL x CityWave

【Boss Talk Series 005 and MOU Signing Ceremony between PUMM x ASPIAL x CityWave】

On 28th August 2023, the Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM), in collaboration with ASPIAL Production, co-hosted the highly anticipated “Boss Talk Series 005: Shape . Showcase . Unleash Business Charisma” event, and the most importantly, and MOU Signing Ceremony between PUMM x ASPIAL x CityWave. Organized by PUMM’s Bureau of Branding Strategy, Bureau of Members Fellowship, and Bureau of Entrepreneurial Advancement. The event was held at ASPIAL in Petaling Jaya.

The primary objective of the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signed during the ceremony was to establish a collaborative partnership aimed at enhancing the branding efforts of PUMM members, both at the personal and corporate levels. During the MOU Signing Ceremony, the PUMM National President provided insights into PUMM’s vision, mission, and upcoming activities, offering attendees a comprehensive understanding of PUMM’s initiatives.

During the ‘Boss Talk’ session, Mr. Key Ng, Founder of CityWave, showcased the innovative integration of modern executive attire and fashionable casual wear, urging attendees to confidently project their personal charisma in the business world by communicating their values in unique ways. Mr. Auguste Kwan, an A-level Star Tutor, drew from his diverse life experiences, spanning from a humble comic book assistant to achieving the pinnacle of success as one of Malaysia’s top ten singers and earning the Best Actor award at the Vancouver Chinese Film Festival. His journey emphasized the importance of continuous learning and embracing challenges as vital components on the path to excellence in various fields.

Mr Eric Lee, Founder of Aspial Production, an experienced Audio-Visual Production Specialist with over 30 years of experience, highlighted the crucial role of personal branding in achieving success. He stressed the significance of investing time and effort into shaping one’s personal brand, underscoring that when combined with a robust network of connections, it can yield substantial influence in the competitive business landscape. Mr Tan Lay Seong, PUMM National President, echoed the importance of branding in today’s fiercely competitive business environment, emphasizing the need for individuals to cultivate distinctive personal brands as a means of standing out on the business stage.

Participants included Organizing Chairman Chong Yen Kai, PUMM National President Tan Lay Seong, Deputy President Nelson Beh, Vice President Dato Dr Teh, Vice President Arlene Tan, Secretary-General Daniel Dea, Honorary Treasurer Dato Jason Foo, Penang State Liaison Chairman Alec Ooi, Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Chairman Timothy Teo, Sarawak State Liaison Chairman Lina Hu, Pahang State Liaison Chairman Alson Lim, Central Committee Nick Tan, Jocelyn Leong, Jimmi Yeo, Corporate Patron representatives, PUMM members and friends.

【‘老板开讲 005’ 及 PUMM x ASPIAL x CityWave 三方合作备忘录(MoU)签署仪式】

2023年8月28日,马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)与 ASPIAL Production 联合主办 ’老板开讲系列005‘ 分享会,以及同时进行 PUMM x ASPIAL x CityWave 三方合作备忘录签署仪式。此次活动由青创会品牌策略发展局、会员联谊发展局、以及企业促进发展局联合主推,并获得 ASPIAL Production 场地赞助。


 ’老板开讲系列005‘ 分享会邀请了一系列杰出的分享嘉宾,他们各自以独特的视角分享了在个人品牌建设和企业创新方面的经验。CityWave 创始人 Mr. Key Ng 通过独特的设计理念展示了现代高管着装和时尚休闲装的完美融合。他的分享鼓励与会者在商业世界中自信地展现个人魅力,并以独特的方式传达个人价值观。特别嘉宾关德辉先生也分享了他丰富多彩的人生经历,从漫画助理到成为马来西亚十大歌星之一,再到赢得温哥华华语电影节最佳男演员奖,以及涉足 Web3 创业并成为A级明星导师。他在分享中强调了持续学习和勇于挑战在追求卓越的不同领域中的重要性,彰显创新在通往成功之路上永不停歇。

Aspial Production 创始人、拥有30年摄影背景的视听制作专家 Mr. Eric Lee,则深入阐释了个人品牌在成功路上的关键。他通过投入时间和努力来塑造个人品牌,结合强大的人际网络,可以在竞争激烈的商业领域中建立重要影响力。他的经验告诉所有人,个人品牌与人际网络的结合是通往成功的关键之一。同时总会长陈礼祥也强调了品牌在商业中的重要性。他的观点提醒大家,在当今激烈竞争的商业环境中,每个人都应该在商业舞台上打造独特的个人品牌,以脱颖而出。此次活动不仅为青创会带来了深刻的见解,还让大家认识到了个人品牌和创新文化对于企业品牌的贡献。


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